Installation ============ - Install the latest version with pip:: $ pip install django-q - Add :mod:`django_q` to :const:`INSTALLED_APPS` in your projects :file:``:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( # other apps 'django_q', ) - Run Django migrations to create the database tables:: $ python migrate - Make sure you have a `Redis `__ server running somewhere .. _configuration: Configuration ------------- Configuration is handled via the :const:`Q_ClUSTER` dictionary in your :file:`` .. code:: python # example Q_CLUSTER = { 'name': 'myproject', 'workers': 8, 'recycle': 500, 'timeout': 60, 'compress': True, 'save_limit': 250, 'label': 'Django Q', 'redis': { 'host': '', 'port': 6379, 'db': 0, } } name ~~~~ Used to differentiate between projects using the same Redis server. Defaults to ``'default'``. This can be useful if you have several projects using the same Redis server. .. note:: Tasks are encrypted. When a worker encounters a task it can not decrypt, it will be discarded. workers ~~~~~~~ The number of workers to use in the cluster. Defaults to CPU count of the current host, but can be set to a custom number. recycle ~~~~~~~ The number of tasks a worker will process before recycling . Useful to release memory resources on a regular basis. Defaults to ``500``. timeout ~~~~~~~ The number of seconds a worker is allowed to spend on a task before it's terminated. Defaults to ``None``, meaning it will never time out. Set this to something that makes sense for your project. compress ~~~~~~~~ Compresses task packages to Redis. Useful for large payloads, but can add overhead when used with many small packages. Defaults to ``False`` save_limit ~~~~~~~~~~ Limits the amount of successful tasks saved to Django. - Set to ``0`` for unlimited. - Set to ``-1`` for no success storage at all. - Defaults to ``250`` - Failures are always saved. label ~~~~~ The label used for the Django Admin page. Defaults to ``'Django Q'`` redis ~~~~~ Connection settings for Redis. Defaults:: redis: { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379, 'db': 0, 'password': None, 'socket_timeout': None, 'charset': 'utf-8', 'errors': 'strict', 'unix_socket_path': None } For more information on these settings please refer to the `Redis-py `__ documentation .. _django_redis: django_redis ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are already using `django-redis `__ for your caching, you can take advantage of its excellent connection backend by supplying the name of the cache connection you want to use:: # example django-redis connection Q_CLUSTER = { 'name': 'DJRedis', 'workers': 4, 'timeout': 90, 'django_redis: 'default' } .. tip:: Django Q uses your :const:`SECRET_KEY` to encrypt task packages and prevent task crossover. So make sure you have it set up in your Django settings. Requirements ------------ Django Q is tested for Python 2.7 and 3.4 - `Django `__ Django Q aims to use as much of Django's standard offerings as possible The code is tested against Django version `1.7.8` and `1.8.2`. - `Django-picklefield `__ Used to store args, kwargs and result objects in the database. - `Redis-py `__ Andy McCurdy's excellent Redis python client. - `Arrow `__ The scheduler uses Chris Smith's wonderful project to determine correct dates in the future. - `Blessed `__ This feature-filled fork of Erik Rose's blessings project provides the terminal layout of the monitor. .. tip:: Install the `Hiredis `__ parser:: $ pip install hiredis This C library maintained by the core Redis team is faster than the standard PythonParser during high loads.