Tasks ===== .. py:currentmodule:: django_q .. _async: Async ----- Use :func:`async` from your code to quickly offload tasks to the :class:`Cluster`: .. code:: python from django_q import async, result # create the task async('math.copysign', 2, -2) # or with import and storing the id import math.copysign task_id = async(copysign, 2, -2) # get the result task_result = result(task_id) # result returns None if the task has not been executed yet # so in most cases you will want to use a hook: async('math.modf', 2.5, hook='hooks.print_result') # hooks.py def print_result(task): print(task.result) :func:`async` can take the following optional keyword arguments: hook """" The function to call after the task has been executed. This function gets passed the complete :class:`Task` object as its argument. group """"" A group label. Check :ref:`groups` for group functions. save """" Overrides the result backend's save setting for this task. timeout """"""" Overrides the cluster's timeout setting for this task. sync """" Simulates a task execution synchronously. Useful for testing. redis """"" A redis connection. In case you want to control your own connections. q_options """"""""" None of the option keywords get passed on to the task function. As an alternative you can also put them in a single keyword dict named ``q_options``. This enables you to use these keywords for your function call:: # Async options in a dict opts = {'hook': 'hooks.print_result', 'group': 'math', 'timeout': 30} async('math.modf', 2.5, q_options=opts) Please not that this will override any other option keywords. .. _groups: Groups ------ You can group together results by passing :func:`async` the optional ``group`` keyword: .. code-block:: python # result group example from django_q import async, result_group for i in range(4): async('math.modf', i, group='modf') # after the tasks have finished you can get the group results result = result_group('modf') print(result) .. code-block:: python [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 2.0), (0.0, 3.0)] Take care to not limit your results database too much and call :func:`delete_group` before each run, unless you want your results to keep adding up. Instead of :func:`result_group` you can also use :func:`fetch_group` to return a queryset of :class:`Task` objects.: .. code-block:: python # fetch group example from django_q import fetch_group, count_group, result_group # count the number of failures failure_count = count_group('modf', failures=True) # only use the successes results = fetch_group('modf') if failure_count: results = results.exclude(success=False) results = [task.result for task in successes] # this is the same as results = fetch_group('modf', failures=False) results = [task.result for task in successes] # and the same as results = result_group('modf') # filters failures by default Getting results by using :func:`result_group` is of course much faster than using :func:`fetch_group`, but it doesn't offer the benefits of Django's queryset functions. .. note:: Although :func:`fetch_group` returns a queryset, due to the nature of the PickleField , calling ``Queryset.values`` on it will return a list of encoded results. Use list comprehension or an iterator instead. Synchronous testing ------------------- :func:`async` can be instructed to execute a task immediately by setting the optional keyword ``sync=True``. The task will then be injected straight into a worker and the result saved by a monitor instance:: from django_q import async, fetch # create a synchronous task task_id = async('my.buggy.code', sync=True) # the task will then be available immediately task = fetch(task_id) # and can be examined if not task.success: print('An error occurred: {}'.format(task.result)) .. code:: bash An error occurred: ImportError("No module named 'my'",) Note that :func:`async` will block until the task is executed and saved. This feature bypasses the Redis server and is intended for debugging and development. Connection pooling ------------------ Django Q tries to pass redis connections around its parts as much as possible to save you from running out of connections. When you are making individual calls to :func:`async` a lot though, it can help to set up a redis connection to reuse for :func:`async`: .. code:: python # redis connection economy example from django_q import async from django_q.conf import redis_client for i in range(50): async('math.modf', 2.5, redis=redis_client) .. tip:: If you are using `django-redis `__ , you can :ref:`configure ` Django Q to use its connection pool. Reference --------- .. py:function:: async(func, *args, hook=None, group=None, timeout=None,\ save=None, sync=False, redis=None, q_options=None, **kwargs) Puts a task in the cluster queue :param object func: The task function to execute :param tuple args: The arguments for the task function :param object hook: Optional function to call after execution :param str group: An optional group identifier :param int timeout: Overrides global cluster :ref:`timeout`. :param bool save: Overrides global save setting for this task. :param bool sync: If set to True, async will simulate a task execution :param redis: Optional redis connection :param dict q_options: Options dict, overrides option keywords :param dict kwargs: Keyword arguments for the task function :returns: The uuid of the task :rtype: str .. py:function:: result(task_id) Gets the result of a previously executed task :param str task_id: the uuid or name of the task :returns: The result of the executed task .. py:function:: fetch(task_id) Returns a previously executed task :param str name: the uuid or name of the task :returns: The task if any :rtype: Task .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Renamed from get_task .. py:function:: result_group(group_id, failures=False) Returns the results of a task group :param str group_id: the group identifier :param bool failures: set this to ``True`` to include failed results :returns: a list of results :rtype: list .. py:function:: fetch_group(group_id, failures=True) Returns a list of tasks in a group :param str group_id: the group identifier :param bool failures: set this to ``False`` to exclude failed tasks :returns: a list of Tasks :rtype: list .. py:function:: count_group(group_id, failures=False) Counts the number of task results in a group. :param str group_id: the group identifier :param bool failures: counts the number of failures if ``True`` :returns: the number of tasks or failures in a group :rtype: int .. py:function:: delete_group(group_id, tasks=False) Deletes a group label from the database. :param str group_id: the group identifier :param bool tasks: also deletes the associated tasks if ``True`` :returns: the numbers of tasks affected :rtype: int .. py:class:: Task Database model describing an executed task .. py:attribute:: id An :func:`uuid.uuid4()` identifier .. py:attribute:: name The name of the task as a humanized version of the :attr:`id` .. note:: This is for convenience and can be used as a parameter for most functions that take a `task_id`. Keep in mind that it is not guaranteed to be unique if you store very large amounts of tasks in the database. .. py:attribute:: func The function or reference that was executed .. py:attribute:: hook The function to call after execution. .. py:attribute:: args Positional arguments for the function. .. py:attribute:: kwargs Keyword arguments for the function. .. py:attribute:: result The result object. Contains the error if any occur. .. py:attribute:: started The moment the task was created by an async command .. py:attribute:: stopped The moment a worker finished this task .. py:attribute:: success Was the task executed without problems? .. py:method:: time_taken Calculates the difference in seconds between started and stopped. .. note:: Time taken represents the time a task spends in the cluster, this includes any time it may have waited in the queue. .. py:classmethod:: get_result(task_id) Gets a result directly by task uuid or name. .. py:classmethod:: get_result_group(group_id, failures=False) Returns a list of results from a task group. Set failures to ``True`` to include failed results. .. py:classmethod:: get_task(task_id) Fetches a single task object by uuid or name. .. py:classmethod:: get_task_group(group_id, failures=True) Gets a queryset of tasks with this group id. Set failures to ``False`` to exclude failed tasks. .. py:classmethod:: get_group_count(group_id, failures=False) Returns a count of the number of tasks results in a group. Returns the number of failures when ``failures=True`` .. py:classmethod:: delete_group(group_id, objects=False) Deletes a group label only, by default. If ``objects=True`` it will also delete the tasks in this group from the database. .. py:class:: Success A proxy model of :class:`Task` with the queryset filtered on :attr:`Task.success` is ``True``. .. py:class:: Failure A proxy model of :class:`Task` with the queryset filtered on :attr:`Task.success` is ``False``.